So folks have convinced me to live-blog this morning’s game. (Morning for us in the US. If I kept referring to Japan time, I’d fall back asleep!)
So, first, let me say “Happy Easter” to those who celebrate it.
I haven’t live-blogged in the new digs yet – and I haven’t live-blogged in general in a while. So I’ll be working the rust off today.
At 6am.
Probably won’t be pictures (Or many. I might try to get some in.) But short of that, it should be good. 🙂
For those who have never read one of my live blogs, I blog from the top down. You need to scroll to see the newest entries. I know it’s poor Internet etiquette, but I hate top-posting. My blog; my rules.
It occurred to me late last night that the logistics of watching a game on the computer and live-blogging it would be too funky for me at 6am, so I have the old Dell laptop handy to do the blogging while I use the Mac to watch the game. Hopefully the Dell won’t crap out on me. If it does, I’ll just switch over and the blogging might not be as quick to post as one would hope. I don’t THINK that will happen, though.
And for those of you who have read one of my live blogs before, I promise to have a little more detail in this one since there are so many folks who won’t be able to see the game. Hope I’m helpful to those up who want to know what the heck is going on.
See you in about an hour!