The “I’m up, I’m UP” Live Blog

Went looking for lineups at 5:45am and couldn’t find any. (Isn’t it almost 7pm in Japan? Where are all the “bloggers” who are over there?)

So, with the exception of the pitcher (Timmy!) let’s assume the lineup is the same as the other night. (Incidentally, I’m using my beat up Dell for this so I can watch the game on the Mac. One of the interesting quirks of this machine is that the “m” key is gone and I need to beat on the pad the key covered to get the “m” to work. That’ll make this live blog a little challenging this morning!)

5:52 am – MLBtv is showing the introductions and we have the Japanese feed again!

5:58 am – In a move I find brilliant, I’m watching the game on the Dell, using sound from the Mac (the Dell sound has long been dead) and blogging on the Mac. This should speed things up immensely. “Ms” are totally underrated.

6:00 am – Flowers are being presented to each of the managers. Tito doesn’t look like he quite knows what to do with them.

6:01 am – There are no commercials on the Japanese feed. We get to watch and hear whatever goes on between innings. The background sounds are interesting. (There are also no graphics. In the first game all we got was a score, no names of players, no interesting stats…nothing.)

6:04 am – Mike Timlin looking cranky in the dugout. Sean Casey gabbing. Ooh, there’s Mike Lowell playing catch. In an effort to be respectful of Easter, Manny has a white do-rag on instead of the navy one.

6:06 am – I love that they introduce each player as they take the field (and the left fielder’s name is “Ramirez”, like “Cher” or “Madonna”? That’s how he keeps getting introduced.). Also, the Giants are taking the field to “Start Me Up”. 😆

6:08 am – The guys calling today’s game don’t seem as animated as the guys from the other game. They’re a bit low-key compared to Friday night.

6:09 am – Papi doesn’t have his head band in this morning and his hair is standing up…looks like he just rolled out of bed.

6:10 am – Dustin Pedroia already has two strikes on him – but we have no graphics to back this up and the announces seem to be talking about something unrelated to the game.

6:11 am – The audio on the Mac isn’t synched with the video on the PC…which explains why the announcers groaned when Pedroia got hit by a pitch (back of his left arm, maybe the left side of his back) two pitches before I saw it happen.

6:14 – No more “AMs”, you all know it’s the morning. One of the graphics we DO get is the speed of the pitches, in kilometers. My father always told me I needed to learn the metric system. (Last pitch, 134 km)

6:15 – The announcers stop gabbing long enough to marvel at Youk’s hit (which I haven’t seen yet!) – hey it’s a broken-bat single that moves Pedroia to third. Nicely done, Youk.

6:17 – The delay might work to a live-blogging advantage. Men at first and third with no outs and Big Papi up.

6:20 – Papi looks a little tired. Of course, I could be projecting.

6:20b – The first “Let’s Go Red Sox” chant of the night, day…whichever…

6:21 – Announcers get a litle excited. Either a home run or an out is coming up.

6:22 – Well, that was ugly. Papi strikes out, they get Youk in a rundown and then blow him off to throw out Pedroia at home. Dangerously close to a triple play. Now we have Youk on second, Manny up and two outs.

6:24 – As if they know I’m watching, we get a shot of Mike Timlin in the dugout and the camera lingers for a few moments. Thank you MLB camera person, thank you!

6:25 – I have no idea what the count is, but Manny just fouled one off.

6:26 – Announcers are excited so I’m guessing Manny struck out. I hear them announcing our team taking the field, so I’m guessing I’m right.

6:27 – The camera person loves Mike Timlin. More dugout shots.

6:28 – Manny strikes out swinging. See this delay I speak of?

6:29 – They just showed Jon Lester blowing a bubble in the dugout. I was wondering if he made it to Japan since I hadn’t read about it anywhere. Good to know he didn’t disappear over the ocean.

6:30 – The lead-off hitter for the Giants kind of looks like Johnny Damon. This is me stalling while Wake throws some warm up pitches. (Even though the audio is already on the second batter..make that the third batter…)

6:31 – Wake heats things up at 131km.

6:32 – And now 104. And we get our first “Hey, ho, let’s go!”. And Wake hits their shortstop on the elbow. Payback, baby!

6:33 – Honest to God, I’d love to know what these guys are talking about. No way it’s the game.

6:34 – One on, one out, the Giants’ version of Magglio Ordonez up at bat and they’re playing “The Final Countdown”.

6:35 – Wake walks Magglio-san and the ball gets away from Kevin Cash. Men on first and second, two outs and “Ramirez” is up.

6:37 – Unless they play sirens for outs, I think something bad is going to happen after “Ramirez” makes an out.

6:38 – Ramirez struck out looking. Nice on you, Wake. I sense bad news from the Giants’ first baseman, though.

6:39 – He barely gets a piece of it and knocks it just over Lugo’s head, driing in a run. 1-0 Giants in the first.

6:41 – Pop-up to Cash ends the inning. Wake takes off his cap and we see his head is covered in a closely-cropped ‘do.

6:42 – Mike Lowell either got a hit or an out that looked like it was going to be a hit. JD is up. The announcers seem disinterested. (Although they DO seem to like saying his name.)

6:45 – We have video confirmation of Mike Lowell’s hit! Left fielder “Ramirez” tried to make a funky catch and failed miserably.

6:46 – In audio, Julio Lugo is up. Video has JD Drew. Who just made an out. Coco is up, yet I fear he’s out before he even gets to bat.

6:47 – I hear music but no announcing. We must be between innings. 🙁

6:48 – Coco hits a ball he could have easily bunted and moves Lowell to second. We see the dugout – Kielty is sitting next to Casey…Matsuzaka is gabbing away.

6:49 – Lugo is out at first. 1-0 Giants going into the bottom of the second.

6:50 – Another dugout shot of Sean Casey (actually it’s of Daisuke, but Casey is in front of him) and he ISN’T talking! 🙂

6:54 – Stepped away from the computer for a moment and Wake is pitching to, okay I have no idea who he’s pitching to, but I hear music so I think he gets out of this inning unscathed.

6:56 – And he does. 1-0 end of 2.

6:57 – Not to ruin the surprise, because I haven’t SEEN it happen yet, but I’m fairly certain Kevin Cash got a hit. I’ve figured out that the video is two batters behind the audio (or maybe a batter and a half).

7:00 – Cash knocks one into left field for a stand-up double. Nice work!!

7:02 – I swear it sounded like one of the Japanese announcers just did a Tony Soprano impression.

7:03 – Pedroia still working the count and he finally walks. Two on, no outs. Here comes Youk.

7:05 – The announcers just mentioned the Yankees and then grunted. Heh.

7:06 – It might be about the Yankees, but at least the announcers are still talking. Youk strikes out looking. Large Father is on the way.

7:07 – Catching up on the audio…Papi and Manny both strike out. Utsumi strikes out the side. (I restarted the PC feed and now we’re on the same place in the game.)

7:09 – Daisuke is being interviewed. I love when he gives those thoughtful pauses. “Hmmm…what should I say?”

7:12 – That was quick, Timmy’s out of the inning. 1-0 Giants at the end of 3.

7:16 – JD strikes out looking on a pitch the announcers seem to question. And now it’s a 1-2-3 inning for the Giants.

7:19 – More goodness from Rob Bradford if my live-blogging is boring you. 🙂

7:20 – We got a quick shot of the broadcast booth. Wake has one on…

7:21 – And now he has two on with a hit to right that JD bobbles a bit. First and third…

7:22 – I look away and men are on second and third. While one runner scores, they get a man out at first and then Youk throws to third for two. Nice work. Two out, no one on…one runner scored. 2-0 Giants.

7:24 – And now the inning is over. It could have been much worse.

7:25 – Here comes Julio. Time for a rally, guys! (Can you ‘rally’ in the fifth inning?)

7:26 – Not like that you can’t. One out. Here comes the offensive juggernaut that is Kevin Cash.

7:28 – Kevin Cash strikes out swinging, while they play the ‘here we go song’. Do you normally play a rally song when the opposing team is up?

7:29 – This kid on the Giants is pitching sidearm. Ooh, dugout shot of Wake looking pissed and then Pedroia makes the third out. Here comes Wake. (Hey, Coco has braids!) Keep it together, Timmy, it’s only the bottom of the fifth. Incidentally, bottom of the fifth and Wake has given up two runs on four hits, with one strike out and one walk. Not a completely horrible outing for him thus far. Offense would be nice.

7:32 – Putting in a request to the camera person – please stop showing Matsuzaka twisting his pitching arm like it’s giving him discomfort. It’s giving me fits. (Timmy has one out, by the way.)

7:34 – And another hit. One on, one out. And the runner on first steals second.

7:35 – FYYO! Wake catches him looking. Sit down. Two outs, man on second.

7:36 – Timmy gets …… to fly out and end the inning. Good work, Wake. 2-0 end of 5.

7:37 – I’m in bed with the two laptops going. Last night I made my niece an Easter basket so, because I don’t want to leave the game to hit the kitchen, all I have for breakfast are Swedish Fish and bubble gum “Chick Eggs”. Mmmm….

7:40 – Youk will lead this team to victory.

7:41 – “Line drive” in Japanese is, wait for it, LINE DRIVE! Good on ya, Youk! (Brandon Moss just came in to run for Youk..I think).

7:42 – Papi is up wih Youk on first and no outs. (In case you’ve just joined us. 😉 )

7:43 – Papi is not happy that he struck out. Manny needs to turn his smile upside down. (Or his frown. You know, it’s early!)

7:46 – Manny Ramirez, frown upside down turner (upside down frown turner?)! Men on first and second with Mike Lowell up (and Jacoby pinch running for Manny).

7:48 – They are playing the “CHARGE” now. Again, I ask, rally music for the opposing team?

7:50 – I’ve now eaten an entire bag of Swedish Fish..and Mike Lowell walks. Bases loaded with JD coming up.

7:51 – AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Grand slam!!! Grand freaking slam!!!! Eat it JD Drew haters!!!!!!!!!!

7:53 – Oh, wait, there’s still a game on. I got a little carried away. Er, 4-2 Sox. Bases clear and two outs with Julio Lugo up.

7:54 – And a dugout shot of Jed Lowrie picking at his ear. Don’t do that, dude, it might fall off.

7:55 – Someone out of camera range high-fived Daisuke so hard after JD’s homer that he knocked him down. 😆

7:56 – Julio gets a hit double and they play “Song 2” (“Woo-hoo!”). These Japanese sure do know how to make you feel welcome.

7:58 – Kevin Cash is up…and Kevin Cash is out. 4-2 Sox to the bottom of the 6th. JD is the man. 🙂

8:00 – Hey, “Ramirez'” first name is Alex! (Which I actually knew, but this was the first time I heard someone use it.)

Holy cow it’s 8am.

8:01 – Wake is still in there and he gets the first out on a fly-out.

8:03 – Wake is leaving the game, following a strike out, to a huge ovation and many high fives. Bryan Corey, eager for revenge against the Giants, is in the game.

8:07 – Corey ends the inning with a strike out. 4-2 Sox – end of 6.

8:10 – Is it bad form for me to want Dustin Pedroia to pile on here?

8:12 – Karma is a bitch. Pedroia is out – but Brandon Moss sneaks in there for a double!!!!

8:13 – Oh how cute is this? Dusty Brown is in for Papi. (And hits a loooong out.)

8:14 – Jacoby’s turn to impress.

8:16 – Or not. Time for the seventh-inning stretch. PA dude singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” all by himself. 😆

8:17 – Holy cow! They’re playing the “Okajima” song and the crowd goes, predictably, INSANE when they announce him!

8:19 – I love that Okajima song. Love it. Now kick ass, Oki.

8:21 – They showed a crowd shot and all you could see were flashes going off. Like when Papi’s up to bat in Fenway.

8:22 – Okajima gives up a hit, much to the delight of the announcers.

8:25 – Okay, we’re out of the inning. Double play! Rocket to third for one and then catching the guy on first before he got back? Nicely done, Mr. Lowrie! 4-2 at the end of 7.


8:32- Admittedly, I have no idea what Bobby Kielty did. But I’m pretty sure he’s out. Coco is up…

8:34 – Coco strikes out and here comes Alex Cora (who, at some point, replaced Julio Lugo).

8:35 – Impressing the Japanese announces greatly, Cora reaches on a fielder’s choice (Kielty, who didn’t get out but was on first, getting thrown out at second).

8:36 – Wild pitch/passsed ball? Either way, Cora is on second. (I’m going with wild pitch.)

8:38 – Cash walks, giving us men on first and second, two outs and Dustin Pedroia up.

8:39 – Called strike is “Called strike” in Japanese. 🙂

8:41 – “Black Betty” comes over the PA…sadly, no Timlin on the mound.

8:42 – Pedroia walks (did he walk? I think he walked) and Brandon Moss is up.

8:43 – Bases loaded for Moss. No pressure, Brandon, no pressure.

8:44 – Moss hits a single up the middle!!!!! Two runs score! 7-2 Sox!

8:45 – Dusty Brown makes the last out. Bottom of the 8th coming up. (Listening for “Sweet Caroline” and hearing it!!!!)

8:47 – Why did Tito fist bump Dusty for making the last out? Is he in a hurry to finish the game?

8:48 – David Aardsma is in for the Sox. Did ANYONE think HE’D be on the Japan roster? I sure didn’t.

8:49 – Aardsma gets points from me for showing sock.

8:50 – Aardsma is hitting 134km. Apropos of nothing, he looks like Bryan Corey’s and Justin Masterson’s love child.

8:51 – Thanks to the above observation, I haven’t a clue what’s going on. Although there IS a runner on first.

8:53 – My feet are cold and I’m hungry. Speed things up, Davey.

8:54 – Not quite a double play and then a fly out at least move things on a bit. Here comes the Ramirez.

8:55 – The Ramirez hits one into right field, giving us men on first and third with two outs.

8:56 – I know they aren’t – but it SO sounds like the fans are chanting “Yankees Suck”!

8:57 – Three outs! Mom and Dad Corey and Masterson would be proud. 7-2 going into the top of the ninth.

8:59 – PA is playing Asia’s “Heat of the Moment”. Hee.

9:00 – Are Yomiuri Giants’ fans chanting to themselves “It’s only an exhibition game! It’s only an exhibition game!”?

9:01 – Jacoby is up. Let’s get cracking, eh?

9:02 – Sensing my hunger pains, Jacoby strikes out swinging on a fugly pitch. One down.

9:03 – Jed Lowrie, American Hero, is up at bat.

9:06 – Lowrie goes down swinging. Fellas, I’m just hungry, it isn’t like I have to pee. You don’t have to all strike out.

9:07 – Kielty misses a home run by a few feet, and an out by a guy with better reflexes. 😆 So he’s on second with two outs.

9:08 – Come on, Coco…stick it to Jacoby.

9:10 -Woot! Triple for Coco! (Sliding head first into third!) 8-2 Sox!

9:11 – Single for Cora! 9-2, baby!

9:12 – Kevin Cash walks. The announcers are NOT pleased.

9:14 – Dustin makes the final out. 3 more outs to freedom.

9:16 – And there is a Julian Tavarez sighting on the mound! (And he already got us the first out!)

9:18 – Ground out and a walk. Keep it together, Julian.

9:19 – Fly ball to center. Two down.

9:22 – Another to center. Game over. 9-2 Sox. I hear “Dirty Water” playing!

I’m gonna tell you a story
I’m gonna tell you about my town
I’m gonna tell you a big bad story, baby
Aww, it’s all about my town

Yeah, down by the river
Down by the banks of the river Charles (aw, that’s what’s happenin’ baby)
That’s where you’ll find me
Along with lovers, muggers, and thieves (aw, but they’re cool people)
Well I love that dirty water
Oh, Boston, you’re my home (oh, you’re the Number One place)

Frustrated women (I mean they’re frustrated)
Have to be in by twelve o’clock (oh, that’s a shame)
But I’m wishin’ and a-hopin, oh
That just once those doors weren’t locked (I like to save time for
my baby to walk around)

Well I love that dirty water
Oh, Boston, you’re my home (oh, yeah)

Because I love that dirty water
Oh, oh, Boston, you’re my home (oh, yeah)

Well, I love that dirty water (I love it, baby)
I love that dirty water (I love Baw-stun)
I love that dirty water (Have you heard about the Strangler?)
I love that dirty water (I’m the man, I’m the man)
I love that dirty water (Owww!)
I love that dirty water (Come on, come on)

9:24 – Thanks to everyone who stopped by (those who commented and those who didn’t!). Hope you all have a wonderful Easter if you’re celebrating and a great Sunday if you aren’t!

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