Crazy woman* on her way to Texas thinks shes sneaking a picture of Kyle with her iPhone and he smiles at her.
Honestly, it’s getting to the point where someone could show me a picture of Kyle kicking a dog and I wouldn’t care (or I’d just think it was a fake). Early morning flight…just dragged his butt out of bed and he smiles for a nutty (but harmless!) Red Sox fan. Makes me just want to hug him.
Hey, Bronson won last night! His first “w” of the season. Hell, he even went 6 innings. (And he credits swimming for his winning way.) Nice work, Bronson. Keep the Reds fans quiet!
Crabby boy who hates me** pitches tonight at Fenway. My mother should be home from her trek to Florida in time to see the game. Howsabout winning one, fellas?
And to finish up: Day three of photos that make me smile, courtesy, again, of Kelly O’Connor (this one was taken at Pawtucket the day Kyle got his WS ring)
* I write that with love. Great story, Becks and thanks for the pictures!
** The hate part might not be true; The crabby part is! 🙂
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