Good Vibes for Kyle Tonight



I was at Kyle’s first appearance when he joined the Red Sox. I was sitting in a truly crappy seat in right field when my cell phone started going off with text messages about how the ‘new guy’ looked like Bronson (I’ll say it again…I really don’t see it. Tall, fair-haired, yup. That’s about all they have in common. But I digress.). So, since I was there early, I started taking pictures – a LOT of pictures – of Kyle. Heck, I was hoping he’d throw a no-hitter and bring the pitching suck that was 2006, to an end! In 2006, my camera was pretty good but not as good as the one I have now. So, considering where I was sitting and where Kyle was, I think the photos came out all right.

In an effort to forget about the suck of night that was last night’s game, and also to send the positive vibes to Kyle in Buffalo for his start tonight, I give you some of the photos of Kyle’s first game as a starter for the Red Sox (and, again, my apologies for the quality. The originals in their full size are much better than the versions here!):

The defense

Kyle warming up

In the bullpen

With Al Nipper

Taking “The Walk” with Nip and Tek

Kyle on the mound

Another shot before the game


Celebrating with Tek!

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