How can you NOT love Manny?

I missed it live, but watching Manny high five a fan in the middle of making a great catch and THEN doubling off the man at first…how does this not become the play of the season?

AP Photo
AP Photo

I mean WHO does this kind of thing and makes it successful?

Manny Ramirez, that’s who.

Jere has an awesome version of the replay here. The dugout reactions are priceless. 🙂

Sox get a day off today. Hope they all spend it sleeping or doing whatever they need to do to get the suck out.

PVs to my friend Ted. Flying up today from North Carolina for his first trip to Fenway. He’s nervous about the flight (which is probably putting it mildly) so sending him some good thoughts while he makes his way up would be greatly appreciated!

See you tomorrow at Fenway – and safe travels!

(Ooh, and for more humor, read this “Editor’s Note” from Kevin Convey about he and John Tomase. Both men should lose their jobs immediately, but Convey wants you to feel sorry for Tomase and believe that the Herald only cares about having a “bond of trust” with its readers. Fuck off, Convey and take that asswipe Tomase with you. Maybe Arlen Specter has jobs waiting for the both of you.  BUT WAIT, almost better than that is the take from ANOTHER POS, Tony Massarotti.  You see, it isn’t the Herald’s fault for having absolutely no journalistic integrity, it’s the FANS, they’re at fault!)

Seriously, if any New England sports fan ever buys the Boston Herald again, they totally deserve whatever pain they get from it.

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