Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Seems like new NESN golden girl Heidi Watney is, well let’s say not so nice.

Watney yesterday denied cursing. She told the Herald “I think I have a little more class than that.”

I guess she does if Watney’s definition of class is calling a Hoover vice principal and her former boss a liar.
It would have been easy for Watney to have just said she has a passion for her job and she let that get out of hand.

But wait. There’s more.

Watney told the Herald it was her decision to leave KMPH because “it was time for a change” and she was ready to move on. Then she added that “We parted on good terms.”

When Watney left KMPH no one would say a word. General manager Charlie Pfaff wouldn’t answer a single question about Watney’s departure. Employees have been told they can not talk about her leaving. Over the years I have written about hundreds of television and radio personalities leaving their jobs. Never has a person left under good terms and management been so silent. At the least there is a “we wish them good luck.” Not a word has been said about Watney.

Hmmm…if this was a story about a Red Sox player, it would be plastered all over the local sports news. Good to see NESN has hiring standards.

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