Wow. Tonight’s Mets/Yanks game is another example of why there should be limited use of instant replay in baseball.
The thing that pisses me off the most (if you aren’t watching the game, Delgado hit a three-run homerun that was originally called fair and then the call was reversed) is that the umpires aren’t accountable to anyone. And when the Mets point this out to the umps, they get people thrown out of the game.
Joe Morgan says instant replay wouldn’t work “at this point in the game”. What point? The fourth inning? How about using it to determine whether or not a damn hit is a home run or not? I’d say that would work at any point in the game.
The umpires blew this one so freaking huge that it’s just ridiculous. (Hey, eff you umps, at least Delgado knocked in another run.)
I’m anticipating another looong week at work yet considering getting a ticket to Tuesday’s game to see Masterson pitch.
I’m beat and I just want to watch baseball tonight without having to use my brain too much. The umps aren’t helping that.
PawSox split a double-header with the Yankees today and have one more game tomorrow. Still haven’t heard much about Kyle except for Ron Johnson to say he wouldn’t be on the DL long. Here’s hoping he has a speedy (and comfortable!) recovery.
Go Mets! 😉
(Edited to add, what really pisses me off is the score should be AT LEAST 6-2 since Matsui just hit a two-run homer. Instead it’s 4-2. Way to go, umps.)
Edited again to add this note to myself: Never piss off the Mets. 11-2 in the bottom of the 8th. Yeesh.ÂÂ
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