Focused as I was on the goings-on in Lowell yesterday, I was unaware that my man Mike got into the game.
Tito brought him in for the eighth, with the Sox behind 2-0. So what’s that say for how he feels about Mike’s stint on the dl? Tight game, he brings in Timlin to pitch against Cano, Cabrera and the adopted Molina. It took him three pitches each to get them out, and Molina went down swinging. Six out of those nine pitches were strikes and his fastball hit 91, 92 and 93.
That line makes me very, very happy.
I’m also thrilled that seven Red Sox players will be roaming Yankee Stadium at the All Star Game. While I question Varitek being included and Lowell being EXcluded, I’m happy so many representatives from our team will be there.
Incidentally, Jeter, Rodriguez and Rivera are the representatives for the Yankees. And Giambi is on the final ballot. Given Giambi already said he’d only participate in the Home Run Derby if he gets voted for the All Star Team and that he’s a greasy, lying, phony, fuck him, I’m voting for Brian Roberts. 🙂
Congratulations, fellas!
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