Note from Cyn: I had a long (but FUN) day at Fenway yesterday. I’m going to let Tru handle this one. Cross-posted from the Red Sox Fan Forum.
Good Morning Everybody…
Answers to some questions for all of you…
~ Mrs Beasley (note from Cyn – that’s me from back in my Red Sox Fan Forum days! 🙂 ) was at the Futures game yesterday, and I know is a bit wrapped up today as well. What I do know is that we eclipsed $500 several days ago, which is terrific. There are several people and companies up here in NH that have written and mailed checks, which we have not yet received. I promise to share the complete check amount we present to the Taylor family with everyone when we do that.
~ There will be a photographer on hand, KellyO, who is a pretty well known person, not just for her abilities with a camera, but her passion for the Sox. She has a web site,, where you can learn more about her and see a lot of her pictures; she’s an incredibly talented lady with a camera. Pay particular attention to Steve the Ferret. KellyO is graciously donating her skill and images with the Taylor’s and I’m quite certain we’ll be able to have some for sharing with all of you.
~ Pictures of the afternoon/evening will most likely appear at the Red Sox Chick blog, and I would imagine some accompanying write ups.
~ We are now discussing getting a group photo with the Taylor family, and will arrange this after the game. There are a lot of people here who will be at the game, so we’ll give you a heads up about that; where to meet, etc.
~ An important note here, relative to the donations, especially if we receive more than the travel expenses. We’d discussed that among ourselves at first, believing that the goal of more than $7,000 would be really very difficult to meet. We have a little less than two weeks to go before closing out the account and making out a check to the Taylor family. What kept coming back to me was the idea that were we to realize extra dollars, they’d be used to benefit the Jimmy Fund. Now, we all know what great things go on at the Jimmy Fund and many of us here are regular donors. But it occurs to me that while we are all doing a fantastic thing for the Taylor, boys it lasts only for one day. And sure, the boys will have life long memories of this day, which is part of our goal, the realization of their father’s dream.
But I cannot escape the idea that James W. Taylor Jr., might have also had other dreams for his boys. Specifically college? I’m thinking that perhaps we should step back a bit further and ponder what happens when these kids go back to Utah, and life returns to whatever normal is for them now. What about their future? The primary income earner is gone. The oldest is ten, youngest who is mildly autistic is 4. Traci Taylor, while surrounded by James’ family and her own, is going to have a really tough go to help make education, or special needs for her youngest possible. I’m hoping nobody minds if instead of the Jimmy Fund, we use any extra (I’m personally hoping there will be extra), to help towards easing whatever future burdens, or opportunity that presents itself to these kids.
I hope you all agree that if we are lucky enough to gather more than is needed for their trip, this would be a better use of those monies.
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