It is POURING right now. And says there is a 40 percent chance of rain from 7pm-10pm tonight.
I will be a cranky chickie if Charlie Zink gets rained out of his first major-league appearance.
But in NON-cranky news: Sox win big time in Chicago! (The RED Sox, that is!) Beckett looked like he was pitching in a playoff game and JD Drew came back to life. (Plus Jed Lowrie. Holy heck can we just give him the job and sit Lugo out for the rest of the season? Please???) Yankees lose in Minnesota! And Kyle pitched two clean innings yesterday in the GCL! (Including a backwards “K”, three ground outs and two outs in the air.) I got a message yesterday from someone in Sarasota who said she saw Kyle and that he was “in good spirits and looked great”. Yay Kyle!!!! Keep it going!
I’m supposed to be at Fenway tonight and tomorrow. We’ll see how the weather dictates that working out.
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