A quickie ’cause I’m tired

Drownedworld73 flickr photo of Kyle Snyder from 2005

Photo of Kyle in 2005 snagged from Drownedworld73‘s Flickr account

(I’m going to get all girly for a moment and point out how gorgeous Kyle looks in this shot…okay, I’m done.) 

Sweeping the Rangers is sweet – especially since everyone kept warning us of their amazing offense (which we got a good look at on Tuesday and somewhat on Wednesday) – but Daisuke shutting them out and little Manny and my man Mike finishing it off – was doubly sweet! Bring on the Blue Jays, baby!

Rays won again even though the fates are trying to rip them apart by dropping players like flies. The next team the Rays face are the Rangers IN Texas. I’m hoping they’ll all be equally pissed and embarrassed enough to kick Ray ass all over Texas this weekend. Sounds like a plan to me.

Kyle pitched in Syracuse tonight for the PawSox – WOOT! He pitched one inning and it was clean. Ten pitches got his three outs (and he struck out Brian Jeroloman swinging on three pitches. The PawSox were winning in the ninth…and lost it in the ninth. But Kyle did great and that’s all I’m focusing on tonight!

Mike Timlin pitches a clean ninth tonight and I don’t have to find my way to Fenway to beat the snot out of the booers.  So that’s nice.

Paul Byrd starts for the Sox tomorrow and have mixed feelings.  Well, no I don’t, really.  I always want the team to win.  If it has to be a come from behind victory because Byrd sucks up the place tomorrow night, well so be it.

I really am going to try and get past this “Paul Byrd took HGH and then made up a ridiculous story to back it up” stuff.  But it’s going to take a while.

In the meantime, I’m basking in four straight wins (and only 3 losses in the first 13 games in August!) and looking forward to a weekend of great baseball.

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