
Josh Beckett Screen Grab by The Boston Channel

Josh Beckett Screen Grab by The Boston Channel

Rough night but time to suck it up and start the day.

After a few hours at work, I’ll be hooking up with KellyO and Tru to meet the family and pass along the donations from everyone!  I’ll be back tonight (or tomorrow) with a more detailed account of what we collected and how thngs went down.  Thanks to everyone for their support with this.  It was certainly a great “people” experience.

We were hoping to get Beckett but get Daisuke tonight.  Works for me.  I’m concerned about Josh, but am standing by my decision to not freak out until it’s absolutely time.  :)   PVs to Josh!

On top of the Taylors being at Fenway tonight, it’s the LMOTFer’s “annual” group game.  (Just a name for another group of my friends.)  I’m really looking forward to it (and to seeing some folks I haven’t seen in a while!)!  I just hope I can stay awake for it!  😉

Have a great day, folks.

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