Just shut the fuck up.
Thank you for your contributions in 2004 and 2007. You were a huge part of why the Sox won it all both years and the sacrifices you made (especially in 2004) will always be appreciated. If we ever meet, I’ll buy you a beer. But, still, just shut up.
Don’t get all ARoddy on us by opening your yap while your team, that you aren’t even with, is in the middle of a tight playoff run. We know Manny made things tough in the clubhouse. That’s why he was friggin’ traded. I’m sorry the limelight isn’t on you right now, but sometimes you have to step back and let other people get the publicity. The team needs to focus on winning games, not on answering questions from the media about dumbass comments YOU made.
When the season is over, have at it. And don’t be half-assed about it. None of this “If you knew EVERYTHING that went on…” bullshit. Spill all the beans, get it all off your chest, and let the fans know what they didn’t know all these years.
But for now? While your team is working toward a really important freaking goal? Shut the fuck up, dude.
Hugs and kisses.
P.S. Really, just please stuff a sock in it.
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