Wins are nice

Jeff Bailey, Devern Hansack, Brandon Moss and Kyle Snyder get their 2007 WS Rings - Photo by Kelly O'Connor

Jeff Bailey, Devern Hansack, Brandon Moss and Kyle Snyder get their 2007 WS Rings - Photo by Kelly O'Connor - Two of these guys are still playing with the BoSox and two aren't. Hopefully they ALL reap the benefits when all is said and done.

Well, at least when the Red Sox get them.  The Rays?  Meh.

The Rays’ magic number to clinch the division is now 1…so while I would love to believe the Sox could win every game from here out while the Rays lose every game, I’m fairly certain that won’t happen – so time to focus on Anaheim.

I’m not as worried about the Angels as a lot of folks seem to be.  I don’t put much into what the teams have done against each other in the season.  The mindset for the playoffs is a different beast altogether and I have faith that the Red Sox will be kicking it up a notch and really don’t worry too much about what everyone is saying.  I’m just terribly eager for Sunday to come and be done so the team CAN focus on the playoffs.

And speaking of the playoffs, Amalie Benjamin reported yesterday that the Red Sox closed the clubhouse before the game and had a meeting to vote on this year’s playoff shares.

Though apparently Justin Masterson wasn’t invited. He was sitting in the dugout when the meeting was going on. When he was told that he might want to head back to join his teammates, he said that it was OK. Jon Lester had told him he didn’t have to come. Perhaps rookies weren’t invited?

Or, perhaps, Jon Lester has totally lost his mind and gone from being a bit of a crankypuss to the clubhouse prankster?  In any event, it’ll be interesting to see how they divide up the booty.  And it makes me smile to think that Kyle’s going to get a nice payday on top of he’s received this year, even after being in the minors for the majority of the season.  Hell, he might even get another ring.  Pretty freaking sweet.

Crabcakes, as it happens, is on the mound tonight against Jeremy Somers (a guy who, for some reason, I keep thinking his name is “JP”.  I have no idea where I got that.).  A win would be really nice crabby.

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