So during the rain delay (game is scheduled to start at 8:35pm) NESN is showing the dvd that recaps the 2007 year.
When they get to JD Drew’s ALCS grand slam, they show the dugout cheering it and the first one out and yelling with his arms up? Kyle.
Now, I know shit happens in baseball. And Kyle has a World Series ring, a spot on the World Series roster and much more to keep him warm at night.  I also know Kyle had an injury-plagued season that probably would have found him off the team at some point anyway – so I try not to dwell. I focus on his career now and where he is (or will be). But after seeing that shot, I totally admit to a few twinges of “Man, he should be with the team tonight”. I suppose you could say that about any of the guys from last year but, as you’ve all witnessed here, Kyle’s my favorite so he’s the one I focus on at times like these.
Five minutes to the game…I need live baseball, man.