I am usually loath to link to Tony Massarotti, but this story annoyed me enough to do so tonight. It seems that Major League Baseball has denied a request to bump the meal money for Minor League players from$20 to $25 (this is per day for when they’re on the road).
Yes. They denied a FIVE DOLLAR increase in the meal money for the kids in the minors. Five dollars. I’m not sure which part of this story pisses me off more. That TWICE the increase was approved across the board. Once in August when representatives for all 30 Major League teams voted unanimously to approve it and then in November at the GM meetings where all 30 general managers approved it. Or that MLB’s defense of why they denied it is because of “national economic concerns”.
Are you kidding me? The increase would cost each team around $25,000 each. AND THE TEAMS ARE WILLING TO PAY IT but Major League Baseball says “no”?
As much as the player’s union gets under my skin, at times, this is an instance when it seems clear that the minor leaguers need some kind of representation. It is absolute bull that these kids can’t get an extra $5 for meals when the teams are ALL all right with it.
The proposal subsequently was approved by all 30 general managers at the GM meetings in California last month, at which point MLB was to present the matter to team owners at last month’s owners meetings in New York.
According to one of the two team reps, MLB failed to present the proposal to owners at all, tabling the matter until at least next season. The same team rep said that the 30 clubs were unanimous in their frustration over the matter because they felt as if the game’s governors were needlessly squeezing minor leaguers.
Gee, ya think? Of COURSE they’re squeezing the minor leaguers. Because they CAN. There isn’t anyone to say “This stinks and we’re not going to put up with it!”. I admit to not knowing enough about the business of MLB that I don’t get why, if the teams want to pay it, they just don’t pay it. Will they get fined by MLB? Does MLB dole out the money so the team doesn’t have it unless MLB says they can?
The other day I could have sworn I saw Jonathan Van Every on the Orange Line. If I see him again, I’m totally giving him $25.
The matter is now “tabled” until this time next year. So, good luck to you, Jeff Natale, if you think you’re going to eat anywhere but McDonald’s in 2009.
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