My man Mike Timlin - Photo by Kelly O'Connor
Are you watching the MLB Network’s preview? If you are, are you getting the constant loop of the 2004 World Series film? (I’m wondering if they are showing different video in different areas.)
I’ve never been so happy to be sitting in front of a television watching the same thing over and over and over again. This is truly the best film ever made.
I’m not sure I ever sat down and thought about “my favorite Red Sox team” really. But watching this film has me thinking. Every player they show, my initial response is “Oh I LOVED him!!!!”. Every one. Even Johnny Damon. Hell, even Curt Schilling. And although I’ll always credit Fred Lynn with stirring my Red Sox passion (and will always list him as my favorite “all time” player), there is no doubt in my mind that my favorite team of all time is the 2004 Boston Red Sox.
The 2007 World Champions make me very happy. There are many guys from that team (waves to Kyle Snyder!) who I’ll always follow and root for – but 2004 was just so different. To this day I can’t explain the feelings. I’ve now watched this entire film or pieces of it at least five times over these past two days and every time, EVERY TIME, there are pieces of it that make me cry. Four years and another World Series banner later and “Back to Foulke! Red Sox fans have longed to hear it… the Boston Red Sox are World Champions!” makes me burst into tears.
(Side note about the 2004 World Series film: It focuses a lot on the ALCS yet totally skims right over Slappy. Boo, MLB. BOO. Ooh, one other note: Over the last four year, my man Mike Timlin has aged. He looks like a baby in this video.)
I know I’m totally biased, but watching this again and reliving the totally improbable ALCS win followed by sweeping the World Series…remembering how down the media around here was on the team and how depressed most of us were before “The Steal” – I’m not sure how anyone can watch this film and not understand why Red Sox fans are as rabid as we are.
Wishing away time is not really my style, but all the MLB Newtwork is doing for me, right now, is making me wish it was April!
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