I won’t complain about the rain because, as long as the Sox are out of town, I don’t really mind it. If it isn’t messing with the baseball schedule, I can stand some grayness and precipitation.
If there were to be something I was complaining about today, it’d be interleague play. I’m done with it. No offense to the Nationals or the Braves but enough. I can’t even pinpoint exactly why I don’t like it (Bud Selig just finding another way to bleed money from folks while messing with things comes to mind) but I don’t. I selfishly enjoy seeing teams I wouldn’t normally see at Fenway, admittedly, but I think if we’re stuck with interleague, at the very least, it goes on too long.
But it’s tough to really complain about anything today. I’m happy with where the Sox are. I’m happy with how they’re playing. Hell, I’m even happy with how they’re handling the Matsuzaka situation. So no more complaints.
Tonight Brad Penny goes up against John Lannan and the Nationals. Lannan was great against the Yankees in his last outing and, given how things worked out for them against the Yankees, I hope the Sox aren’t taking this team for granted. They might be 16 games back in their division but they’ve taken a series against the Yankees as well as one against the Dodgers. In the moment, this is a team to pay attention to and play hard against. Go for the “W”, Brad. Show us how happy you are that you won’t be traded any time soon.
I’ll be live blogging tomorrow night (Jon Lester v Craig Stammen – another Nationals pitcher who worked his magic against the Yanks) if you feel like stopping by!
I’ve been slacking when it comes to Kyle Snyder updates lately so here’s the skinny: He’s bouncing between coming out of the bullpen and getting in some spot starts. It doesn’t look like it has been easy making the adjustments but he still seems to be pitching relatively well. The Bisons are 24-43 on the season thus far and yesterday it was announced that they had released both Wily Mo Pena and Bobby Kielty. Tough times to be a Bisons fan (or player!) right now. I’m still hoping to catch another Bisons/PawSox game (or two) before the end of the season and get in another Kyle sighting (or two!).
But for now, I leave you with this video. Kyle discussing his feelings on autograph etiquette. Hey, I’ll take what I can get!