And someday soon I’ll be just one more memory
Red Sox – The Beatles – A Day In The LifeI’ve posted this video before but I thought it was time to trot it out again. I’ve received a few emails over the last week from Sox fans getting down about the struggles of the Red Sox and the dominance of the Yankees. It’s a bummer, I agree (though Josh Beckett’s gem last night with everyone getting in on the offensive act was definitely a push in the right direction) but we’ll get through it.

On July 23, 2004, the Red Sox were 9.5 games behind the Yankees. On July 28, 2004, four days after the “fight” game, the Sox were 8 games behind the Yankees in the AL East. A month after that, the Sox were 5.5 games behind the Yankees in the standings.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

Now I don’t pretend for a moment that this team is the 2004 team. There was a magic that team had that no other team (not even the 2007 team) can replicate. But even without “magic” (see 2007) the Red Sox are capable of pulling together, winning games and achieving the ultimate prize. This isn’t my father’s Red Sox team. A 2.5 game deficit shouldn’t be scaring anyone. It certainly isn’t scaring me.

And I offer up the video as the reason why I don’t “worry” about this team. I don’t consider it living in the past. I don’t pretend that no other team has won a World Series since 2004. But what they did in 2004 was so remarkable, so unbelievable, that the euphoria I felt then comes back every time I’m reminded of it. So the team can struggle and I can go along with my life and enjoy watching baseball (even if I do get frustrated with the likes of John Smoltz).

Being a Red Sox fan really doesn’t suck.

As an aside, there was a rumor going around for about a half an hour yesterday that a Reds/Yanks trade for Bronson Arroyo was “absolutely” getting done. I don’t mind telling you that my stomach was in knots until the rumor was debunked. How the hell do I deal with my favorite player being on the Yankees? Especially if it’s via trade (so I can’t even “blame” him)?

I hate this time of year…I can’t wait until the trade deadline has passed. I know trades still get made after the 31st but at least we aren’t bombarded with all of the rumors that come out during the month of July.

Jim Rice night at Fenway tonight. Number 14 gets put up between numbers 9 and 27. It’s a proud moment and I’m thrilled we’ll get to witness it. I won’t be at the park tonight but I’ll be watching along with everyone else.

Congratulations, Jim on another well-deserved honor.

(Oh and if Clay Buchholz could get Jim a win tonight – yeah, that would be good too!)

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