Pedro got the final word in 2004. (Photo by Stan Grossfeld/Boston Globe)
I spent the weekend with friends so the Sox losses were a little easier to take. But if I’m genuinely looking for something positive to take from yesterday’s loss, I’m going with the way Daisuke pitched.  Throwing 115 pitches in seven innings was more than I could have hoped for. Sure, he walked three in a row and we had flashes of disaster looming but he really showed what he has. He seems like a new person and if this is what we’re going to get once the Sox are in the playoffs – I’ll take it.
I won’t be happy with a Yankees sweep but more importantly I don’ want to see the Yanks celebrate in front of the Red Sox. So Paul Byrd – your time to step up would be NOW.
Besides, the last time the Yanks won the division and the Sox won the wild card spot everything worked out well for the good guys, huh?
After the game yesterday, I kept hearing Pedro’s voice saying “I just tip my hat and call the Yankees my daddy” and I remembered how miserable we all were when that happened. Then I remembered Pedro, in Yankee Stadium for Game 2 of the 2004 ALCS with the Yankees fans chanting “Who’s Your Daddy?”, pointing to the sky and telling the fans who his “daddy” was. Many parts of the 2004 season were bleak yet the team persevered and we all got through it pretty damn well. So I’m not inclined to worry myself about the Yankees prosperity during the regular season.
Sure this is a new season, a new team, all that…but if 2004 taught me anything it’s that anything is possible. SO armed with that knowledge, I’m prepared to enjoy today’s game if the rain ever lets up in the Bronx.
But, yeah, I’d like the Sox to win a game or three and just clinch this post-season spot already!
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