Jason Bay with his version of giving ME the finger. 🙂 Photo courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.
I really do apologize for not being better at updating the blog this December.  I really am going to work on that after the holiday.  And, hey, once December is over, we’re that much closer to truck day!!
All the buzz about the Red Sox making room in their budget to make Jason Bay another offer has me scratching my head.  Are they going to offer him more money and/or years after he rejected their last offer – essentially bidding against no other team but the Red Sox?  It was feeling, to me, like Bay and his agent overestimated the number of contending teams who would want a crack at him so I’m not getting why the Red Sox would jump back in.  I don’t hate the idea of Bay back on the Sox but I don’t love the idea of them throwing stupid money or years at him just to get him to stay.  I just don’t think he’s that valuable.  (Although, if the scuttlebutt is true and the Sox offered Matt Holliday five years, I’d much prefer that money and offer go to Bay instead.
I received a lovely email last night from a Royals fan who wrote that she found my blog while Googling Kyle Snyder’s name and wanted to know if I had any info on what he’s up to.  (See?  Royals fans are ever loyal.  One of my favorite fan bases!)  Sadly, I don’t.  Finding info on the Puerto Rico Baseball League has been close to impossible. (I can tell you his team is in first place and that the last time he pitched was on November 21.)  But I haven’t found one word about WHY it’s been over a month since he pitched.  Is he hurt?  Did he decide he didn’t need to play winter ball?  Was he so comfortable with how he felt physically after pitching in two games that he’s just hanging around with the team and not playing?  (I know practically nothing about this league so I really don’t have a clue here.)  I hope he’s healthy and enjoying the winter wherever he is and I hope we find out soon if/when he gets picked up by another team.  (And information from any folks out there who have some would be greatly appreciated!  We seem to be developing a group of Kyle fans – I get contacted almost weekly by someone asking about him – so it would be nice to have information to provide to folks!)
I hope those of you who celebrate have a wonderful Christmas and those of you who don’t just have a great long weekend!  Christmas Eve is the bigger day in my family (we celebrate on Christmas Day too but the bigger party is on the Eve) so today will be filled with lots of cleaning, cooking, and thanks to me being a goof and having Amazon.com send a package to my office instead of my home, a little bit of last-minute shopping before he festivities begin tonight.  It’s one of my favorite times of the year and I’m looking forward to it all!
I have one Christmas wish and it isn’t even baseball-related:  Be  nice to each other.  That’s all I ask.  (Okay, I have a baseball-related wish too:  No trading Jacoby Ellsbury or Clay Buchholz.  I don’t think I ask too much.  🙂 )
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