There’s always tomorrow (or in this case, tonight)

Ryan Westmoreland beats the throw.  Courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/ and used with permission.

Ryan Westmoreland beats the throw. Courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/ and used with permission.

There are games that annoy me when the Sox lose to really good pitching. In the case of last night I feel like I should be more upset than I am. Never want to see the Sox lose and I dislike them losing the first game in the series more than just about anything, PLUS they messed up our live chat mojo so I know I should be annoyed but, really, I’m not. The Chacin kid kicked some butt (as did Jon Lester) and if not for a weird hop on Scutaro maybe things could have been different but, well, they weren’t so what are you going to do?  Tonight’s another night and although Ubaldo Jimenez, he of the 1.15 ERA, 13 wins and a WHIP of 1.00, is on the mound for the Rockies, there is always hope that tonight is the night that John Lackey throws another almost no-hitter, right?

Hey, a gal can dream.

On a totally different note, in my opinion, the best place to get Red Sox news without the worry of wanting to stab out our own eyes is the Providence Journal.  Both the Boston Globe and Boston Herald should be embarrassed that the best Sox writing is coming out of Rhode Island.  In any event, today is no different than any other at the ProJo.  Today Daniel Barbarisi (or “Danny” as ESPN’s Jon Miller would undoubtedly call him) has an absolutely wonderful update on Ryan Westmoreland.  I think for a lot of folks, out of sight out of mind, so it’s an eye-opening account of what Ryan has gone through since his brain surgery in March.  It’s also touching and inspiring.  Kudos to Barbarisi and the ProJo for their coverage this year – it has been outstanding.

Another 8:40 ET start tonight…this team has been so unpredictable that it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to see them beat Ubaldo!

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