All I will say about the sweep is when you have the injuries this team does these things will happen. It was ridiculous how many tweets/posts/status updates I read from people who seemed genuinely mad about it. If you can’t understand the fact that this team is struggling because many of their starters aren’t starting, well then I think you’re a lost cause. Watch the games and hope for the best and take comfort in the knowledge that there is an entire second half to go (and stop blaming the replacements for not being as good as the starters – there is a reason players start and others are in Triple A…being forced into situations you aren’t ready for is no way to be greeted into the organization so folks need to back off a bit). Okay, I guess I had more to say than I thought.
The Red Sox and Kevin Youkilis’ parents have asked Red Sox fans to vote not only for Youk but for Joey Votto as well. Works for me. I’m writing this around 8:30am which gives folks 7.5 hours to get their votes in for Kevin. A vote for Youk is a vote for all that is right in the world. Okay, that’s an exaggeration. But a vote for Kevin is a vote for someone who deserves to be in the All Star Game who has gone out of his way to not self-promote himself. How can you look away? Nick Swisher has done more campaigning for this thing then Scott Brown and he needs to be taken down a peg. (I will, once again, admit to being spiteful. I’m not ashamed.)
If Kevin Youkilis gets voted in, we get shots of him, his lovely wife and adorable son in Los Angeles. If Nick Swisher gets voted in we probably get more videos of him in Tommy Bahama shirts. I’m willing to bet he bleaches his tips for the occasion. We can’t let that happen people. We’re live chatting the All Star Game…do we really want to have to look at Swisher all night?
I know folks are down because of the last four games. No one enjoys a losing streak. But voting for Youk is our chance to get some joy out of this week! We can head into the weekend in Toronto proud of our efforts and hoping the team rides Youk’s victory to three of their own!
So take that early break today, sit yourself down and VOTE for Kevin Youkilis. You’ll sleep much better if you do.
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