“I’m looking at the numbers, the numbers are close and one guy’s numbers are a little bit better. “I took the guy whose numbers are a little bit better.’’ – Joe Girardi on why he chose Paul Konerko over Kevin Youkilis to replace Justin Morneau in the All Star Game
I did my ranting about this on Twitter yesterday (Some PG-13 rated tweets there, possible R) and this morning the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the Yankees lost because Joba Chamberlain gave up a grand slam in the 8th inning, so I’m a lot less cranky about everything today and don’t feel like rehashing it all – I’ll just say this: If you’re going to cite statistics as a reason for your choice, Joe, you should probably actually look at them (here’s a hint: You DIDN’T take the guy whose numbers are a little bit better, Wile E.). My hopes for the All Star Game are that the Red Sox there represent themselves well and Joe Girardi’s team (except for our guys) gets demolished. If the Sox are fortunate enough to get to the World Series, I have faith in their abilities to not need home field advantage. I’m spiteful enough that I’d prefer every move Girardi makes Tuesday night be mocked mercilessly. That is all. 🙂
More disappointing is that yesterday was the fifth annual “Futures at Fenway” day and the rain shortened the Lowell Spinners game and made it necessary to cancel the Salem Red Sox game. The Salem team has never played in the Futures game and it was not only a disappointment for the fans, but for the players too (all of them, even the non-Sox ones, I’m sure).  It’s a bummer when Mother Nature throws her monkey wrench around.
Also disappointing: Jacoby Ellsbury coming out of hiding with his pile of notes to, basically, shit on the Red Sox. Fair or not, when he dumped his agent and signed with Boras my attachment to him was pretty much lost but I still liked him being on the team and wanted him to do well. When people started calling him “soft” this year, I defended him because no two injuries are alike and I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to judge how much pain someone is in except that person. But his performance for the media yesterday left me feeling quite “meh” and thinking that I won’t miss him much when he forces his way out of Boston. Folks can’t blame the perceptions people have about him now on the media or on the Red Sox trying to make him look bad…he’s done it all himself as far as I’m concerned. That press conference yesterday was nothing more than a bunch of “I’m hurt and it’s their fault” to me. Get better and come back and help the team or get lost, Jacoby. In either case, quit your bitching. (For the record, I’m not one who believes the Red Sox hire dolts as their medical professionals nor do I think they would do something – or not do something – in the best interest of the health of their players. So while I appreciate that Jacoby wants folks to think the Red Sox dropped the ball here and can acknowledge that there was either miscommunication or just misunderstanding going on, I believe he’s letting Mr. Boras lead him around (it’s always the team’s fault, right?) and that annoys the hell out of me.
At 1:07 this afternoon, Daisuke leads the Sox into the All Star Break by, hopefully, salvaging the series win in Toronto. It would be nice for the team to go into the break with a win, if only to shut up all the writers who keep talking about how tough the schedule in July will be for the Red Sox. For what they’ve endured in this first half, I’m damn proud of this team for fighting through it and being in the position they are right now. I choose to enjoy that and let the rest of it work itself out.