He's played hard since he's been here. That folks think he's happy NOT playing boggles my mind. (Photo by Kelly O'Connor @ sittingstill.smugmug.com and used with permission)
I began to write a long entry ranting about Jacoby Ellsbury and how absolutely God-awful the local media and many Red Sox fans have treated him when I decided that I had enough writing about the negative for a little while. So all I’ll say is this: Kid broke some ribs and for people to act like he should have just bounced back is short-sighted and, well, ridiculous. Thanks to the likes of Peter Abraham, the words “he’s soft” will now follow Jacoby around for his career in the same way Tony LaRussa’s criticisms of JD Drew have followed him. Congratulations to the Boston sports media for doing their best in tearing down yet another athlete.
I choose to focus on the happiness of watching Ryan Kalish hit a grand slam or Victor Martinez trying to rub Adrian Beltre’s head. These are some of the things that keep me coming back night after night. Our closer, the one folks want to run out of town, became the first closer in MLB history to record 30 saves in his first five seasons. When Papelbon pitches like he did last night, that’s a hell of a lot of fun to watch too.
The road is still long (and rough) but there is a lot more baseball to be played before the lights at Fenway get shut off for the year. As the poet Kevin Garnett once said, “Anything is possible!”.
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