My brain will definitely hurt after this ‘remembering’ stuff

I hate having to write.  Always have.  I love to write.  It’s, absolutely, my life’s calling.  I’ve known it since I was eight years old.  The main issue that kept me from truly pursuing it professionally being, as I wrote, that I hate having to do it.  I want to write, when I want to write, and not when someone tells me. 

(Incidentally, this attitude is exactly why I flunked the test on "Wuthering Heights" in 11th grade and then surprised everyone years later when I finally picked up the book and ended up loving it.  Don’t tell me to read a book; I’ll read it when I’m damn good and ready.  But I digress.)

Having a blog, much to my surprise, has caused people to expect me to, not only write daily, but on demand.  Especially about the specific games  go to.  If you’re a regular visitor here, you might notice that I don’t get into a lot of details about those games.   Fiction has always been my forte, non-fiction is for those with good memories  or at least the foresight to write things down as they happen.  I have neither of these. 

It isn’t that I don’t want to share my experiences as much as it’s a lot of work for me to get these memories out of my head and into coherent paragraphs that make sense to someone other than myself.  So I usually give the wildly condensed versions here.

But tonight that changes.  A little.  I had a fabulous weekend in Baltimore and I want to share the experience.  So I’m going to break down the days and write as much as I can remember, hopefully not missing too much.

Fair warning, some of it will be non baseball-related, but I want a record of it all.  So here it will be.

Oh, and by the way, 3 out of 4 in Baltimore – woo-hoo, baby! 

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