For those of you who read the rantings of the ever-original "Yankees Chick" today, and especially for those of you who got involved in it, never fear. As I suspected, her true reasoning for coming here has revealed itself as she wrote a whining rant on her own blog today lamenting how mean I am (as well as my readers).
Oh well. I guess that whole wild card thing really has stuck in the craw of some of the Yankees fans. What are you going to do?
Bottom line, for about the millionth time, is that I don’t mind people who don’t agree with me, hell there are tons of RED SOX fans who don’t agree with a lot of what I write (Hi BB!) but if you come here and insult me or get in fights with other commenters here, well expect that people aren’t going to be happy about it.
And if you’re a Yankee blogger who refuses to see the shortcomings in your own fan base because you’re too busy pointing out the shortcomings of everyone else, well, around these parts you get what you deserve.
(And, no, I won’t reciprocate with a link. If you all Google Yankees Chick, you’ll find her. Although, be aware, that there are actually two bloggers who call themselves "Yankees Chick". Apparently my tagline started a trend since they both started blogging after I did.)
Thanks to everyone sending the good vibes my way. I really do appreciate it. We’re starting to see a small light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just taking an awfully long time to get there.
*Edited to add: Up yours Yankees fans.
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