So where will you be? I’ll be at work at 4:05pm today – unless a couple of the guys decide to break out a little before then to watch the game. So I’ll either be at my desk with gameday in the background, or I’ll be at a bar taking it all in.
I didn’t realize how truly excited I was for the season to begin, until I watched the Mets/Cardinals game last night and found myself yelling at the tv. First game of the season and I’m in mid-season form.
As an aside to that game: I rooted for the Cards to win the World Series even though I’ve never liked Tony LaRussa. But given LaRussa’s assholiness during Spring Training and the total lack of action on MLB’s part to give him ANY kind of punishment for it (or even just come out and admonish him for it) I’m pretty much rooting against them all season. So I was pretty happy with the results last night. (Yay Tom Glavine!)
Schill on the mound today…man, I can’t wait!
Have a great day folks! Hope you get to see a game!
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