Ever feel like you’ve sold your soul to the devil? I’m feeling a little like that right now.
I’m really excited about the opportunity to blog over at WEEI.com. And I’m eager for January to get here so we can kick that into gear – but I’d be lying if I said I had no reservations about doing it. Here I have total creative control. I get to write what I want (and I’m told the same will hold true at EEI), I have control over the comments so if flame wars begin or trolls try to take over, I get to make them disappear (still don’t know if that will hold true over at EEI) and I get to call out the media jerks when assholiness kicks in.
Most importantly, and this is huge, there isn’t anyone else on this site I’m connected to writing things I don’t agree with or support. Tru has been a sometime contributor and there have been occasions when I didn’t completely agree with his perspective and still posted his entries…but there was never anything (and never WILL be anything) Tru writes that I would find offensive or annoying. He’s just not that type of person. So I am happy to share space with Tru.
These are things that can’t be said about some connected to WEEI.
Let’s just say I don’t suffer misogyny well. Let’s also say that I don’t think Rob Bradford is a misogynist. I’ve met him. I’ve had long conversations with him. He’s good people. And it’s his job to put content on the site that is going to get people to visit the site and hang around reading. I understand these things. And I entered the contest and accepted the “prize” knowing what the atmosphere at WEEI was, generally. So I suppose I’m being a little hypocritical by worrying that I’m selling out because, basically, that’s exactly what I’m doing.
So I swallow my pride and I take on what is, essentially, my dream “job”, and hope that I can really make a dent in the wall of testosterone over there. We shall soon see, huh?
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