Sigh had folks write in their reason why it’s great to be a sports fan here and one guy wrote:

"No more arguing with the girlfriend about watching the game. Now, she’s the one who wants to watch it!" –Mike, Boston
Fair enough.  Plenty of women don’t like sports.  But the same goes for plenty of men.  I’m 38 and have been ‘dating’ for better than 20 years.  Not once have I dated a guy who was as big into sports as I am.
So how do the geniuses at respond to this guy?
Mike, not that we’re doubting your claim, but can we get a phone number and a picture of your girlfriend just to be sure.
I mean, who the hell came up with that answer, Bill Simmons?  Isn’t it time that the myth about women not knowing about or liking sports be killed?  In the past, I’ve listed all the well-written spots blogs that are written by, the horror, women.  Newsflash (and how much do you want to bet it was that POS Steve Silva who wrote the captions for this thing?), women watch sports.  They even KNOW about sports.  Hell, some even, sit down now, PLAY sports.  Welcome to 2007.  Sit down, you look a little pale.

I’ve resigned myself to the fact that sports blogs and other sports-related pages are going to show you pictures of half-naked women to get readers.   It’s ridiculous and I think it’s insulting to not just the women fans but the men as well, but it’s there and, unfortunately, it isn’t going away.  ( This is one of the reasons I kept reading Jere’s blog when I first found it.  He’s one of the most knowledgeable baseball fans I’ve ever met and he’s a terrific writer.  He also happens to be a guy who doesn’t think women need to be objectified in the name of gaining readers.  Jere is a real man with real respect for women.  Go read his blog.) 

Sorry for the digression. 

So after a while, I figured, if you can’t beat them, join them.  When I was on MLBlogs I used to post ‘eye candy’ photos for the women fans.  Mostly because you don’t usually find a lot of photos of the players at other sites.  (Unless accompanied by a woman licking him)   I couldn’t keep up with the emails I received from MEN telling me that by posting pictures of players, oh let’s say Bronson Arroyo, with no shirt on, I was showing myself to be nothing more than a ‘girl’ who knew nothing about baseball and just liked cute guys.  The irony in their complaints was lost on them, I assure you.
All I ask for is equal time.  But I’m sure you won’t be seeing ‘hot’ or ‘sexy’ pictures of men on any mainstream sports sites any time soon.  I can also guarantee that as long as their are men like Bill Simmons and the horse’s ass who wrote the copy for the above piece on, I’ll be here to point out their assholiness.

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