Fuck you, ARod, for trying to weasel your assholey way in on this night, you greedy, money-grubbing, publicity whore.
And Fuck Fox, Ken Rosenthal, Tim McCarver and Joe Buck for all encouraging it and going along with it.
Tonight’s story, thus far, is how fabulous Jon Lester pitched and the fact that the Red Sox are (currently) an inning and a half away from possibly sweeping the World Series. Who cares what ARod is doing?
And who couldn’t have waited until the end of the week to find out?
I hope there isn’t a team in MLB stupid enough to give this man the contract he wants.
And I hope the Red Sox finish this up tonight. For many reasons. But now, not the least of which is to push ARod the hell off the front page of the Sports section for a little while longer.
God, what an ass.
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