All the Barry Bonds defenders? Not the ones who don’t care about steroids being in baseball, but the ones who claimed this was all a witch hunt and Barry had done nothing wrong? There were a boatload of them over at MLBlogs when I was there – many who would lose it on me when I dared say anything negative about Bonds. Wonder what they’re thinking when stuff like this has finally come to light?
One key question was answered Thursday — until the indictment was unsealed, Bonds never had been revealed to have failed a drug test — but others were posed, such as what to do with his records and legacy if he is convicted.
That’s an interesting tidbit for Bonds’ defenders to chew on. And while I’m all for "innocent until proven guilty" I think the book "Game of Shadows" did quite the job of proving him guilty. Now the law is finally catching up with him. Truth be told, I couldn’t care less about Bonds getting jail time. Doesn’t mean a thing to me. Let him go free. But I hope his reputation and career are permanently tarnished if not ruined. Not just for cheating, but for the arrogance he showed while doing it. For shoving it in our faces and laughing about it.
Oh, and there’s a special place in hell for a lawyer who can act like his client is being persecuted in the same manner that people are being tortured:
"Every American should worry about a Justice Department that doesn’t know if waterboarding is torture and can’t tell the difference between prosecution on the one hand and persecution on the other," Rains said.
Waterboarding….prosecuting someone who lied to a grand jury and cheated his way to a record. Yeah, Mr. Rains, those are exactly the same issue, thanks for bringing that up.
Nick Carfardo thought Wednesday was a ‘dark day’ for Red Sox fans, what with the announcements of the Sox starting the season in Japan, Fenway prices going up, ARod closer to signing with the Yankees and Lowell not being signed yet – I think yesterday was a much darker day for baseball in general.
With the Mitchell report coming out by the end of the year, there could be many of us – not just Bonds fans – having to deal with the realities of our baseball ‘heroes’ cheating and lying about it. I’m not so naive that I think there couldn’t be the names of Red Sox players on that list. I’m hopeful, though, that there aren’t. But I also have a few players in mind who I think COULD be in that report. So while I’m happy Bonds is finally being revealed for who he is – at the very least, vindicating Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams – there’s a part of me that’s sad this is even happening. Really, I love baseball, obviously, and this all makes me sad for the game.
I wonder how Hank Aaron feels right about now?
Derek Jeter cheats on his taxes, huh? There goes that halo. (Insert smiley face here. I think Derek is just trying to make folks think he’s ‘bad’.) LOL
Man, ARod must be PISSED that Bonds and Jeter are taking up precious space that HE wants to occupy in the newspapers and online today.
I refuse to comment about the Mike Lowell gossip right now. It’s becoming too frustrating. Let things play out and see where the chips fall.
I’d still like to know what the plan is for Mike Timlin!
This is all a case of ‘be careful what you wish for’. I never like to see baseball season end, so I should be happy the hot stove season has become so exciting, right?
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