Saturday in August

Michael Bowden Photo by Kelly O'Connor

A rare 1pm (ish) game on a Saturday makes me happy. I love baseball, but the 4pm or 7pm games can mess up a good Saturday. This is a nice way to begin the afternoon.

PawSox didn’t get to crack open the champagne that was waiting for them last night. They’ll try again tonight behind MIchael Bowden. Good news for us but not so much for Dusty Brown and George Kottaras, is that David Ross went 2-4 with a solo home run. The PawSox radio guys were quite blunt in their assessment that picking up Ross is essentially sticking a dagger in the hopes of Brown and Kottaras to make it up to Boston in September (although they disagree on one key issue. One thinks only Ross gets the call-up and the other thinks Ross and one of the other two will get called up after the PawSox season is over). It’ll be interesting to see how that works out. But, more importantly, they need to win tonight so they can get the “when are they going to clinch a playoff spot” monkey off their backs. No Kyle in the game last night – so it would be pretty sweet if he got in tonight AND they clinched. PawSox, unlike the Red Sox, start their game at 7:05 tonight.

Rob Bradford got his big Manny scoop last night. He got a “hi” out of him. That was it. Was it really worth going to Philly in the middle of the Red Sox’ pennant race? Bradford DID get Joe Torre to gab a bit. Whenever I read a quote about Manny from Torre, I imagine Frank McCourt standing behind him, holding a gun to his back.

Along similar lines, I feel like the entire Boston sports media is trying to get me to “like” Paul Byrd. So far, it isn’t happening. I was really pulling for him last night, and sure he got the win but I was, again, unimpressed.

On the other hand, the Boston offense finally remembered they shouldn’t be afraid of Toronto, which was fun to watch. Seeing Varitek finally coming out of his funk has been fabulous. Captain keeps this up and he’ll shut up an awful lot of people. Interesting to note that I’ve stopped getting the “You can’t possibly think Dustin Pedroia is better than Robinson Cano” emails that flooded my inbox for a while. And Coco looked like he was determined to not let JD Drew’s injury hurt the team offensively. I wonder how all the “they’ll never make the playoffs!” folks are feeling today?


Lester pitches against Jesse Litsch this afternoon. Here’s hoping Crabcakes can keep it together and our offense isn’t hung over today.

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