
Mike Piazza Yesterday at Shea Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images

Mike Piazza Yesterday at Shea - Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images

I try not to pimp the blogs of others.  Mostly because I don’t like being told what to do, so I’m not inclined to tell OTHERS what to do.  I keep a blogroll and if you see something that strikes you, you’ll seek it out.  Truth is, I don’t read many blogs.  90% of the blogs on my blogroll belong to friends of mine.  They all have interesting blogs and I truly think you’ll find something enjoyable at every one of them.  I try to get to my friends’ blogs at least once a week but, admittedly, I fail more often than not.  It isn’t that I’m not interested, I just get distracted easily.  I intend on clicking on each link and something shiny is over there and look Clay Aiken came out and I didn’t know Gil Velazquez’ dad died and hey, the new SNL Sarah Palin sketch is on You Tube…and the next thing you know, I’m asleep with the laptop shining its light on me.

I’m making a promise to myself to pimp my friends’ blogs once in a while so you can all see what you might be missing, but today I start with a blog I have in my blogroll that belongs to someone I don’t even know:  Metsgrrl.  I came  upon her blog probably a year ago and found the writing remarkable and her stories compelling.  It’s obvious from the get-go that this woman is a FAN.  But I didn’t visit her site as often as I’d like.  Neglecting it as I do others.  Until this morning.

I have no beef with the New York Mets.  Well, that isn’t entirely true, I was really bothered by how Omar Minaya dismissed Willie Randolph.  Thought Willie deserved much better than that.  But, on the whole, they’re the team I’d be rooting for if I lived in New York…so they’re okay by me.

Because of the Willie incident, I had been saying that I hoped the Mets lost and didn’t make it to the playoffs.  That is, until yesterday when they actually lost and didn’t make it to the playoffs.  My father, a fan of Willie Randolph as a player and a manager, called to tell me that I’d be happy to know they lost…and I wasn’t.  I thought about how crappy it was for the Mets fans who stick with this team and who went through all that agony LAST year and who were losing their beloved stadium.  (I’ve never been to Shea, sadly.  I know it has it’s detractors, but it’s been home for the Mets fans.  This hits them as  hard as Yankee Stadium being leveled hit the Yanks fans.)

So I read Metsgrrl today, to see how she was handling it, and that’s why I’m writing this.  Her write-up of the events yesterday is better than anything I’ve read from the “professional” sports writers.  She brought tears to my eyes and made me realize that fans, REAL fans, are, essentially, all the same.  You don’t have to be a Mets fan to understand where she’s coming from or to feel her pain, you just have to be a fan.

So give Metsgrrl a read (and maybe a little love in her comments section – we all know EXACTLY how she’s feeling today!) – I promise you won’t be disappointed.

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