I try not to get too personal on here and I certainly try not to be too hokey – well now I’m going to ignore both those guidelines. Hell, it’s Thanksgiving, I get to wax sentimental, right?

Usually, I pride myself on being independent. I rely on no one more than I do myself. If I make a mistake, I’m the only one I can blame, right? But the truth is, my friends and family mean more to me than anything else and today is as good a day as any to let them know that.

You won’t be subjected to a list of my friends and relatives, but those reading know who they are and how special they are to me. If you don’t, that’s my bad and I will remedy it at some point.

Just this year alone, those I love have been there to support me and my whims. When Tru came to me about the Taylors and I came to you, you all came through in spades. When I entered the EEI contest, you were all there with not only words of encouragement, but much time spent voting online to help ensure my winning (and a lot of shout-outs on your own blogs and message boards!). You’ve indulged my Bronson Arroyo and (especially this year) Kyle Snyder fandom and were a supportive shoulder for every Mike Timlin relief appearance. You bought me drinks when I was wallet-less (and even when I wasn’t) and you made gloomy days absolutely radiant.

I get love and support from all across the country (and from around the world!) on a daily basis. I don’t know anyone who is as fortunate as I am in that respect. For the love of amazing friends and the support of a family any one would be jealous of – I am eternally thankful.

Thanksgiving is, without argument, my favorite holiday. I love Christmas and will make you crazy, if you know me, with Christmas music and movies and stories – but Thanksgiving to me is less stressful, more enjoyable and means remembering how much I appreciate everything I have – and I truly do. So I’ll be thinking about those I won’t be spending the day with, while I’m enjoying the time I’ll get to spend with family. I hope you all get to do the same.

And, also, to all of you I don’t know but who spend some of your precious free time here – thank you – it’s much appreciated all year long!

This is way too sappy, I know. 🙂 So let’s end it with the best Thanksgiving ever shown on television!


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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