Memories…light the corners of my mind…

Standingsmay182006kbI’m watching NESN and they’re re-airing a game from 2004…it’s Curt Schilling’s 20th win.

I was at that game with Kelly.  Got the tickets for free.  We had a great time and when it was over we got to be extras in the crowd for the movie "Fever Pitch".

It’s funny to watch a game like this, knowing it was before the ALCS and the World Series.  I’m trying to remember how I felt that night.  I remember KNOWING Curt was going to win.  I sent Kelly an email that said something like "do you want to go see Curt get his 20th win".  I mean, heck, it was against the Devil Rays!  🙂  (I kid, John!)  That’s pretty much all I remember.  (I remember after the game, cheering for Drew Barrymore running across the field.  And I remember Kelly and I being critical of everything from "where is she supposed to have come from?" to "Why do all the infielders have such high numbers?".)

We got to see Johnny come out and film his part (Johnny is up at bat right now).

I’m going to digress for a minute and talk about Johnny. 

I ‘watched’ the Yankees game on GameDay today…and chatted about it with folks at Surviving Grady.  I’d be lying is I didn’t admit I 1) loved seeing the Yankees lose and 2) loved that Johnny made the final out. (Mark Hendrickson just struck out Johnny on NESN.)

After it was over, we were talking about Johnny in work.  (I don’t know if I’ve mentioned the huge piece of art we have at my office that commemorates the 2004 team….the Red Sox are a big part of the culture at my office.)

They just showed Ellis Burks in the dugout.  And I smile and Mark Bellhorn hits a double to knock Gabe Kapler in.  Lenny Dinardo was activated that night – Kelly was happy!

But I digress from my digression. 

What we were discussing in work was how when I see a picture (or footage) of Johnny as "Johnny" from 2004/2005, my heart swells.  I loved what he did with and for the team.  He gave it his all and I will always have those fond memories.  The weird part is that I see him all clean-shaven and in pinstripes and it isn’t even the same person.  Not at all.  There is a total division in my mind

Watching the game last night, I noticed Johnny up at bat.  Now, maybe this is because of his foot injury, I remarked out loud that he looked very uncomfortable.  Pretty much like he’d love to rip off the uniform he was wearing.  And it made me sad.  I guess it’s almost like he died to me.  As melodramatic as that sounds, it’s pretty close to how I feel.  I look upon the Johnny Damon of 2005 and before with nothing but smiles and then I look at this guy now and my first thought is "that isn’t Johnny Damon".

Apparently, I’m in a bit of a melancholy mood.

Well, the Sox hit Philly tomorrow (and I have a few friends making the trip as well!)…here’s hoping they can capitalize on this .5 game lead!

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