I’ll be at the Bruins game on Saturday night.
Aside from the January game at Fenway (which was the Legends game not the actual Bruins game so it really doesn’t count) I’m pretty sure the last time I went to a Bruins game Gord Kluzak was playing. Kluzak stopped playing in 1991 and I know I was out of high school when I went to the game, so that puts it between 1986 and 1991. In any event, it has been almost 20 years (and maybe longer) since I’ve gone to a Bruins game. I am, as they say, not a big hockey fan. But I do root for the home team so while I don’t really pay close attention to the Bruins, I know who the players are and I follow their wins and losses even if it is from afar.
Then why go to the game? The answer is simple really: Someone gave me the tickets. Hey, who am I to turn down an offer of free tickets? Especially when it’s at a venue that is easy for me to get to and that I enjoy going to. I like the Garden and look forward to seeing it again (last time I was there was at a Celtics game on the dime of WEEI back in 2008).
I used to own a Bruins jersey back in the day but now I am gearless. I wonder if it’s bad form to wear Red Sox gear to a Bruins game?
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