Some things will never change, especially in baseball. Â The best example of this is how people will complain about the All Star Game. Â To be fair to Bud Selig, there will never be anything that could make all baseball fans happy. Â There is NOTHING he could do to “fix” the All Star Game that would make us all shut up and just enjoy the game. Â So for all of us who complain (myself included), we need to remember that it doesn’t benefit Bud Selig to constantly annoy us and the players as well. Â I think he’s doing the best he can (when it comes to the ASG) with the resources he has. Â (I also think it might be time for him to bring some fresh blood around him so maybe some new and better ideas can be presented to him.)
So let me list the things that I enjoyed about last night’s All Star Game:
* Â D’Angelo Ortiz showing off his version of various batting stances. Â This was adorable. Â D’Angelo is still at the age where he hasn’t started to get annoying and he holds himself in such a way that you just know he is destined for great things. Â And right now, he’s still a million kinds of cute. Â The segment didn’t go on too long and they didn’t beat us to death with “See how cute David Ortiz’ son is”…it was a fun, family-friendly moment and the ASG could use more of them.
* Â Heath Bell talking with the fans (one being a Red Sox fan) in the stands and then giving them gifts (I’m surprised that “Yoda Backpack” wasn’t a trending topic on Twitter last night). Â Between that and his slide into the pitcher’s mound, Bell showed us how a player can be quirky and fun without being overbearing and annoying (See Wilson, Brian).
* Â Being a total homer, seeing Jacoby Ellsbury, Kevin Youkilis, David Ortiz and, especially, Adrian Gonzalez play was fun even if Youk and Adrian were the only ones to get hits. Â Watching Adrian Gonzalez hitting a home run the night after he lit up the home run derby was fun (off of Cliff Lee, thank you very much). Â Heck, I even enjoyed the Red Sox players being introduced pre-game. Â I’ll admit it, I get a charge out of seeing our guys there even if I pretend I don’t.
* Â I liked the “Stand Up to Cancer” moment and honoring the victims of the Arizona shootings before the game even if I do think that maybe the All Star Game could be a place where we don’t focus on the sad realities of life. Â Even so, both were beautifully done and made me hate the ASG a little bit less.
That was pretty much it. Â I never really care about who wins, regardless of it counting for home field advantage, but there wasn’t much excitement in last night’s game. Â I could complain about Brian Wilson’s truly tired act, or Tim McCarver acting like he had never heard the words “Greek God of Walks” before last night (or, really, anything involving Joe Buck and Tim McCarver). Â I could scoff at how when Joe Buck was taking about the shootings in Arizona the camera went right to Josh Hamilton as if now he is the MLB poster boy for tragedies and I could complain for the millionth time about how ridiculous it is to continue to sing “God Bless America” at a baseball game “to honor America” when we sing the National Anthem before the game starts to do that very thing. Â But everyone will be complaining this morning (save for National League fans, I suspect) and why send out all those negative vibes, right?
We’re stuck with two more days of no Red Sox baseball but if you’re so inclined the Triple A All Star Game is being shown on the MLB Network tonight at 9 ET (pitcher Matt Fox is the lone representative from the PawSox this year).
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