Category: 2009
My sticky paws were into making straws
Photo of Bowden that I took on my first visit to McCoy this season. So happy he had two clean innings against the Yankees! I don’t know that I’m over Jacoby’s steal of home just yet. I can’t stop watching…
You don’t need me to show the way, love.
I took this on Friday. A day before Kelly O’Connor shot him in the unclean position of fraternizing with Joba Chamberlain! Regardless of his lapse in judgment, I have faith that Justin will deliver us the sweep! I am, obviously,…
I can’t stop I ain’t got no brakes
I like this shot I got of Youk heading for third, the Yankees leaving the field and the guys waiting at home! One of the best visuals at Fenway last night? Nine sets of shoulders slumping in unison as the…