Category: 2010

It’s a thin line

May I just tell you how much I hate this weekend? I don’t hate it solely because the Red Sox won’t be in the post-season.  You win some, you lose some and I can deal with that fine.  And it…

A Quickie

Every time I make plans to live chat, something seems to drop in front of me and stop me.  Sadly that happened today as well.  I feel like crap, have felt like crap, and  plan on spending the weekend at…

Shot to the heart

I cried last night.  It surprised me too.  It was well after the Red Sox had been eliminated and it came upon me suddenly.  I didn’t sob for hours on end, but in the middle of a conversation about the…

Money for Nothing

In March of 2010, the unemployment rate in Florida was 12.3%.  In August of this year it was 11.5% and it fluctuated in the months between March and August.  The average unemployment rate in New York this summer was 8.3%…