Category: 2010

Dibble’s Drivel

I’m from a family where the women outnumber the men.  My only sibling is a sister so there were three women versus just my dad growing up.  I have more aunts than uncles, more female cousins than male and more…


Didn’t watch one minute of the Sox/Rangers game last night.  Listened to a few minutes on the ride home but didn’t see any of it.  Which is helpful the day after a game of suck that makes most people punch…

On to Texas

Don’t you hate blown saves?  I hate them myself. But, honestly, look at Papelbon’s numbers.  As someone said to me last night, “Red Sox fans seem  mad that he’s not Mariano Rivera while overlooking the fact that NO ONE else…

Lunchtime baseball

Know what I love?  Afternoon baseball.  Baseball was definitely made for a sunny, summer afternoon.  But we almost never get it.  Oh we get Sunday afternoons unless ESPN steals them away from us and we get the occasional Thursday travel…