Category: 2010

I hope he knows what he’s in for

Yesterday online only reinforced my belief that 1) most of the sports media enjoys feeding into the frenzy and 2) many (but not all)  Red Sox fans will jump on any opportunity to knock the team they supposedly love and…

Guess Who’s Back?

I had decided quietly that I was going to be okay with the Red Sox not signing Jason Varitek this season.  Not that I don’t love the Captain, I do, but he’s getting older and the Sox already didn’t sign…

Is this goodbye?

With Manny Delcarmena being traded to Colorado this season, Hideki Okajima was the last remaining member of the beloved Bullpen Band (Jonathan Papelbon was never a member although he was in the bullpen…he notably would sit at the end of…

Gimme Gimme

In an effort to generate some baseball discussion, my friend Tex posted this story about a woman who was at a minor league game and was hit in the face with a baseball (which ended up causing permanent blindness in…