Category: 2010

Positive Vibes for Felix!

The last two days have been fabulous baseball days.  While the Red Sox were sweeping the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Braves and Phillies were taking it to the Rays and Yankees.  This morning, with both the Rays and Yanks losing their…

Tony being Tony

I’ve had a major case of writer’s block lately and was worrying it would lead to my shutting down the blog for a while so I could shake myself out of it. Then I read this piece by Tony Massarotti…

Naughty Number Nine

There will certainly be a live chat tonight.  Here’s hoping the live chat mojo stays with the Red Sox and also spreads to the Celtics! Let’s Make it Nine for Nine

Lazy day off

So once again the sporting fates give me a bummer of a Red Sox loss and a fabulous Celtics win.  I guess I’ll have to take it.  🙂 The next time both the Celtics and Red Sox are playing is…