Live Chat tonight! Join us in extending Joe West’s pain. Number Five is Alive! Live chatting the Sox and Yanks.
Category: 2010
There will most definitely be a live chat tonight
Okay so here’s the deal: The next entry to go up will be the weekly live chat entry.   I’ve received more than a couple of email messages today asking if we were still live chatting and the answer, unless something…
As the bandwagon gets lighter there’s more room for the rest of us!
In a fit of frustration, I wrote this 1000 word entry about how frustrating watching Jonathan Papelbon blow the Red Sox lead and lose the game in the ninth was for me and for everyone. I pounded the keyboard until…
The Yankees AGAIN?
Weekend is over, no sense dwelling on it. Now we are witness to one of the oddest things in MLB scheduling: The two-day series. Not only do the Sox play one in New York but then they play another one…