Category: 2010

I staggered back to the underground

One of my pet peeves with sports writers (and bloggers and people who claim to be sports fans and comment on sports blogs and articles) is not getting a player’s name right. Drives me crazy. If it’s your job to…

The only way to go is to go away

TWO Sox games yesterday.  TWO!  Okay, one of them I had to enjoy via Twitter updates from random media people at the game, but still, we got to see the Red Sox play (and win!) twice yesterday.  True it was…

They&#39re piling in the back seat

Watched most of the Mets/Braves game on the MLB Network yesterday and for a couple of hours it was easy to pretend that real baseball was back.  It was fun to watch the teams play and to hear broadcasters discussing…

They still went and cut me loose

In my quest for something to write about today, I came across the personal blog of a twenty year-old Yankees fan who wrote an entry called “Rules for being a Red Socks fan” – yes, he spelled it “socks” because,…