Category: 2011

The Long Goodbye

For the love of all that is good in the world could we just get some closure in the Theo Epstein saga? I’m begging here. I didn’t think anything would be worse than the “They’re close to a deal….they aren’t…

Because we haven’t had enough…

Wasn’t it nice back when none of the players were responding to the criticisms brought about by Bob Hohler’s article?  Remember those halcyon days? Now we have Jon Lester personally calling just about every sports writer in New England, Josh…

Anonymous sources tell me you suck

I wake up this morning to an email alerting me to Mike Giardi’s piece at Comcast Sports New England about how what Jon Lester told, seemingly, every reporter in New England yesterday was only “part of the story”. Now, in…

Sit down, Jon

I spent most of today offline, working on a family project that will take up a lot of time and bring me much joy.  I need the distraction from the world of baseball right now.  So when I finally jumped…