Category: Assholiness

WTF Yankees Fans?

LaTroy Hawkins, who wears number 21 to honor Roberto Clemente, has been forced by the assholiness of the lot of you at Yankee Stadium, to change his number to 22. Paul O’Neill’s number isn’t going to get retired, you nits,…

Why Autograph “Hounds” Bug Me

I’ve never been big on asking for autographs. Hell, even at “events” where that’s why the player is there, I’m sometimes uncomfortable approaching them for an autograph. It just never feels natural to me. The fact that so many take…

Follow Up

I had shut down for the night, but calling Peter Abraham an ‘asshole’ in my last post actually didn’t sit well with me. To call him an “ass” would have been one thing, but an “asshole”, to me, is a…


Thanks to Baseball Geeks for the link. Apparently the player’s union is going to “investigate” why no team has signed Barry Bonds yet. Someone needs to explain to me when playing on a Major League Baseball team became a right…