Category: Ballgames

Oh well

The Red Sox are doing their level best to make sure I go all negative on them, eh?  Apparently, they aren’t down with the positive vibes. I’ll tell you all what.  I’m really sad right now.  Not mad, not disgusted…sad. …


Absolutely no excuse for dropping four in a row to two of the worst teams in MLB.  No excuse.  Any one who knows me knows I never give up on my team.  And three games behind on August 10th isn’t…

Are you freaking kidding me?

This is just absolutely ridiculous.  In the most amazing way possible, mind you.  But totally ridiculous. Big Papi comes through YET again and wins the game for us! Major props to Kyle Snyder…I was so ready to write him off…

What a strange night!

As the guy next to me in Fenway last night pointed out, "It’s nice to see everyone putting forth the effort to lose!". I don’t necessarily agree with him.  We flashed some nice leather and AGon had two hits…the guys…