Category: Ballgames

Worthy of a new post!

Been doing this in the comments, but I wanted to give it a new entry. Manny – two homeruns tonight (the first one being his 2000th hit!) Papi – two homeruns tonight (plus a double). Mike  Lowell – two doubles…

Even I have to laugh

Two errors in one inning to end the streak. And not just errors.  Giant, honking, throwing like Chuck Knoblauch trying to hit Keith Olbermann’s mom, errors. Tim Wakefield is going to go kick his dog when this inning is over.

Silver linings and such

As Julie pointed out in last night’s comments, at the very least the Red Sox still have their error-less streak going.  17 games.  I’m very proud of that.  And, don’t let the fools kid you, it’s a big deal. I…

Who are these Mets you speak of?

I cheered Pedro three times tonight.  Once when he came out to warm up (hey, I was in the bleachers, he was close by), once when they announced his name after the starting nine and once when he took the…