Category: Boston Sports Media

Let’s try this again

Josh Beckett tries to make us forget Curt Schilling tonight at 8:10 EST.  You just know that the Giant Sphincter already has his "Beckett Deal a Colossal Mistake" column all typed up for tomorrow morning. Shut him the hell up,…

This just in…Mike Lowell is NOT old!

Mike Lowell –  2006 Photo taken by MEApparently it was a slow baseball news day on Sunday because Sunday night CHB wrote that piece of crap mocking Curt and the fans and Tony Massarotti used around 340 words to tell…

Where I complain a little more

Pedro Martinez last night in Florida Boston Herald had this photo accompany a story about Eric Hinske.  I almost didn’t recognize Petey.  Although I was pretty sure this wasn’t a picture of Hinske. Also from the Herald, John Tomase writes…

A quickie from The Globe today

The longer is takes for Timlin to recover the less likely it is that he may not start the season. So writes Nick Cafardo.   Sister Mary Alice would not be pleased.   This is right up there with every one of…